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Literally in Yemen

Travel Books

Freya Stark
The Southern Gates of Arabia. London: John Murray, 1936

Hugh Scott
In the High Yemen. New York: AMS Press, 1975 reprint

Pascal Maréchaux
Arabia Felix. London: Themes and Hudson, 1979

Jacques Hébert
Yémen: Invitation au voyage en Arabie heureuse. Montréal: Héritage, 1989

Jacques Hébert
Yemen: Invitation to a Voyage in Arabia Felix. Alan Brown trans. Montréal: Heritage Publishing, 1989

Tony Horwitz
Baghdad Without a Map, And Other Misadventures in Arabia, New York: Dutton, 1991. Includes an account of a qat session.

Eric Hansen
Motoring with Mohammed: Journeys to Yemen and the Red Sea. New York: Vintage Directions, 1992

Pertti Hamalainen
Yemen. Third Edition. Hawthorn, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, 1996

Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Yemen: Travels in Dictionary Land. London: John Murray, 1997

Historical and Political Context

Harold Ingrams
Peace in the Hadramaut in Journal of the Royal Central Asia Society: Volume 25 (October 1938), pp 507 - 541

John Baldry
The Turkish - Italian War in the Yemen 1911 - 1912 in Arabian Studies, Volume 3 (1976), pp. 51 - 65

A. Z. al-Abdu
The Free Yemeni Movement (1940 - 48) and Its Ideas on Reform in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 15 (January 1979), pp 36 - 48

Leigh Douglas
The Free Yemen Movement: 1935 - 1962 in Contemporary Yemen: Politics and Historical Background. B.R. Pridham, ed., Beckenham, England and Sydney, Australia: Croom Helm Ltd., 1984

Majid Khadduri
Coup and Counter - Coup in the Yemen 1948 in International Affairs, Volume 28 ( January 1952), pp 59 - 68

Harold Ingrams
The Yemen: Imams, Rulers and Revolution. London: John Murray, 1963

David Holden
Farewell to Arabia. London: Faber and Faber, 1966

Manfred W. Wenner
Modern Yemen. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967

Dana Adams Schmidt
Yemen: The Unknown War. London: Bodley Head, 1968

Edgar O'Ballance
The War in the Yemen. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1971

J.E. Peterson
Yemen: The Search for a Modern State. London and Canberra, Australia: Croom Helm, 1982

Robin Bidwell
The Two Yemens. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983

B.R. Pridham, editor Contemporary Yemen: Politics and Historical Background. Beckenham, England and Sydney, Australia: Croom Helm, 1984

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