Flag of the Kingdom of Yemen

Kingdom of Yemen
Stamps and Postal Stationery: 1960 to 1962


22 March 1960
Inauguration of the Arab League Center - Cairo, Egypt

7 April 1960
World Refugee Year

23 December 1960
Summer Olympic Games - Rome, Italy

15th Anniversary of the United Nations Organization

June 1961
Inauguration of the port at Hodeidah

1 October 1961

15 November 1961
Yemeni buildings

25 December 1961
Inauguration of the Hodeidah to Sana'a Highway

1 March 1962

22 March 1962
Arab League Week

20 June 1962
Child Welfare

20 July 1962
Malaria Education

Index | 1926-1948 | 1949-1959 | 1960-1962