Flag of the Qu'aiti State

Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut, South Arabia
Stamps and Postal Stationery: 1966

1 April 1966
The 1963 definitive series was overprinted in either red or black with a bar covering ADEN, with SOUTH ARABIA on English and the Arabic equivalent and with the new denominations in English and the Arabic equivalent.

1 April 1966
Commemorating Winston Churchill
Several values from the 1966 provisional series were overprinted in two lines with 1874 - 1965 / WINSTON CHURCHILL in red or blue.

1 April 1966
Commemorating President John F. Kennedy
Several values from the 1966 provisional series were overprinted in two lines with 1917 - 1963 / JOHN F. KENNEDY in red or blue.

11 August 1966
World Cup Football (Soccer) Championships - England

25 October 1966
Summer Olympic Games - Mexico City, Mexico

December 1966
International Co-operation Year

Index | 1966 | 1967 | 1968