People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Stamps and Postal Stationery: 1981
11 March 1981
10th Anniversary of Democratic Yemen Airlines
- 60 fils - Douglas DC-3
- 90 fils - Boeing 707
- 250 fils - DHC Dash 7
22 June 1981
Ras Boradli Satellite Station
- 60 fils - Satellite dish, satellite and map
1 August 1981
- 90 fils - Conocarpus lancifolius
- 180 fils - Ficus vasta
- 250 fils - Maerua crassifolia
18 August 1981
10th Anniversary of the Supreme People's Council
- 180 fils - Citizens, flag and council building
26 September 1981
- 50 fils - Desert fox (Vulpes rüppelli)
- 90 fils - Leopard (Panthera pardus nimr)
- 250 fils - Ibex (Capra ibex)
15 October 1981
Palestinian Welfare
- 5 fils - Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Note: This issue is similar to the 1978 Palestinian welfare issue but is smaller and the denomination is at the top right corner.
30 November 1981
- 50 fils - Tephrosa apollinea
- 90 fils - Citrullus colocynthis
- 110 fils - Aloe squarrosa
- 250 fils - Lawsonia inermis
12 December 1981
International Year of Disabled People
- 50 fils - Blind person weaving a basket, another typing
- 100 fils - Blind person weaving a basket, another typing
- 150 fils - Blind person weaving a basket, another typing
Index |
1980 | 1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |