20 July 1970
Stamp Issues of Fujeira:
Some of our overseas correspondents have asked for an official summary of all Fujeira stamp issues of the past year.
The Government of Fujeira had decided, for simplicity of the Post Office handling, to follow the issuance procedures of Monaco and other geographically small territories, and place on sale all of the year's issues during a brief period. An exception was made for the commemorative overprint of last October. The Fujeira issues, however, unlike those of Monaco, were not released on one day or over several days, but during the ten week period from 6 April to 13 June 1970.
Please be officially advised that the following is a list of all stamps of the Post Office of Fujeira released since 30 June 1969 to-date. No other issues are officially on schedule for the next several months.
1. "First Men on Moon" commemorative overprint on Space stamps: Postage: 10dh, 25dh , 50dh, 1R, 2R, and souvenir sheet with 2.50R, 3R, 4R and 5R; airmail: 2.50R, 3R, 4R and 5R.
Issued: 25 October 1969
2. Religious Issue - Bible Paintings: Airmail: 35dh, 75dh, 1.25R, 1.50R, 2.50R, and 3R; postage: 15dh, 1R, and souvenir sheet with 2.50R and 3R. (This series replaced an issue originally announced for late March.)
Issued: 25 April 1970
3. Expo '70 Osaka Issue: Postage: 15dh, 25dh, 50dh, 75dh, 1R and 2R, plus souvenir sheet with 2.50R and 4R; airmail: 75dh, 1.25R, 2.50R and 4R, and souvenir sheet with 1R and 2R
Issued: 30 April 1970
4. Discovery of the Moon Issue: Postage: 25dh, 50dh, 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, and 5R; airmail: souvenir sheet with 2R, 3R, 4R and 5R. The same postage and airmail denominations were also placed on sale with a circular inscription commemorating the "Safe Landing - Apollo 13" and also released inscribed "Apollo 14 Project".
Issued: 9 May 1970
5. EDUCATIONAL STAMP ISSUE: FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND GERMAN HISTORY. For easy recognition each postage series depicts early history and the airmail series modern history. French History: Postage (Life of Napoleon): 15dh, 25dh, 50dh, 75dh, 1R, 1.50R, 2R. The 1.50R and 2R also in souvenir sheet with the 1.50R and 2R as airmail values. Issued 6 April 1970. Airmail (Life of DeGaulle): 35dh, 60dh, 75dh, 1.25dh, 1.25R, 2.50R, 3R and 5R, also souvenir sheet with the 3R and 5R as postage values. Issued: 15 April 1970. English History: Postage: 25 dh, 50 dh, 75 dh, 1R and 2R. Issued: 12 May 1970. Airmail: 60dh, 1.25R, 2.50R, 3R and 5R. Issued: 16 May 1970. American History: Postage: 25dh, 50dh, 75dh, 1.50R and 2R. Issued: 18 May 1970. Airmail: 35dh, 60dh, 1.25R, 2.50R, and 5R. Issued: 21 May 1970. German History: Postage: 25dh, 50dh, 75dh, 1R and 2R, and souvenir sheet with 1R and 2R as airmails. Issued: 26 May 1970. Airmail: 60dh, 1.25R, 2.50R, 3R and 5R, plus souvenir sheet repeating the 3R and 5R as postage stamps. Issued: 30 May 1970.
6. GREAT EVENTS OF 1970 COMMEMORATIVE STAMP ISSUE. These are divided into four sections. Each consists of five airmail denominations: 1R, 1.50R, 2.50R, 3R and 4R, plus 12R in souvenir sheet form. World Football Championship Contest, Mexico. Issued: 1 June 1970. Philympia Stamp Exhibition - London, England. Issued 2 June 1970. Oriental and Exotic Birds at Expo '70 Osaka. Issued 3 June 1970. Apollo Moon and Space Exploration Flights. Issued 4 June 1970.
7. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1970 ANNIVERSARIES ISSUE. These are divided into sets of four postage denominations: 25 dh, 50dh, 1R and 2R, plus four airmail denominations inscribed with a related further commemoration. Postage series for the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations, and the airmail series for International Education Year. Issued: 6 June 1970. Postage series commemorating the Anniversary of World Scoutism, and airmail series marking Centenary of Charles Dickens. Issued: 8 June 1970. Postage series commemorating Red Crescent Society, and airmail series inscribed for British Red Cross Society Centenary. Issued: 10 June 1970. Postage series commemorating 75th Anniversary of Olympics, and airmail series inscribed for forthcoming Munich Olympic Games. Issued 13 June 1970.
As the last three issues above detailed were primarily of an educational rather than commemorative nature, each was divided into parts, and released with a few days interval between, for better educational and publicity use in Fujeira.
Embossed gold and silver replicas: As officially announced earlier this year, some of the above stamp issues were also produced in the form of replicas stamped out in gold foil or silver foil. These were made primarily for presentation purposes and there was no general philatelic offering or sale. However, some quantities of all such embossed stamps were sold from the Post Offices, and all are valid for postage just as the ordinary stamps. The first day of issuance of these gold replicas is the same as for the original stamps. (Technical note: usually one or two designs were made from each of the series as exact replicas, although in some cases some variations of the designs were incorporated to better convey the theme of the issue in this stamping process.
We trust the above official summary of all stamps issued by this Post Office for the past year will clarify matters for overseas philatelists and postal historians. Any stamps not detailed in the above (except for the gold replicas which are not detailed) were not officially issued by this Post Office of Fujeira during the period specified.
The Fujeira Post Office:
For your information, the Post Office of Fujeira is an independent Post Office of the Sheikhdom of Fujeira, and does not operate by way of post office boxes in Beirut, Jordan, Sharjah, Yemen, or other areas. All Fujeira stamps are available from the Post Office of Fujeira, when issued, at their face value, plus return postage, subject only to supplies eventually being sold out.
Any representation that mail to the Post Office of Fujeira should be addressed via overseas agents, via post office boxes in other countries, or via any other State outside of Fujeira is unauthorized and possibly fraudulent.
For your further information the Post Office of Fujeira operates under Universal Postal Union conventions and is represented in the Universal Postal Union by the General Post Office of Great Britain.
While the Government of Fujeira made arrangements for outside technical expert assistance to establish a postal system in Fujeira, construct post offices, provide the forms and essential regulations involved in internal and external mail service, as well as the production and distribution of Fujeira stamps, from the beginning of Fujeira Post Office operations in 1964 to the present time, all Fujeira stamps have been produced only at security printers and all were available directly from the Post Office of Fujeira.
Overseas residents who
wish to order the stamps of Fujeira should simply address their mail to:
Fujeira, Trucial States
Arabian Gulf
to the other announcements and to the Arab Gulf and Yemen Philatelic Resource
Index |
20 July 1970A |
20 July 1970B |
30 July 1970 |
17 August 1970 |
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