The Palace Cancel


Palace Cancel1

The image in the palace cancel is that of the old Abu Dhabi palace. The cancel was placed into use on 1 April 1968 along with several other cancels. These cancels were inscribed in both Arabic and English. Apparently these cancels were used in addition to British handstamps which were inscribed in English only. The palace cancel was used until at least 25 November 19682. The last known use of this cancel has not been established as yet.

The cancel appeared in the above size only. It existed in red and in black. The cancel in red appeared on several aerogrammes. The example that I have of this cancel is on an aerogramme which is cancelled to order. The black cancel was used on covers and, perhaps, on aerogrammes until the cancel was withdrawn in late 1968. The story given by Neil Donaldson is that the cancel was damaged when it was used as a hammer3.

These are several examples of the cancel:

example of red cancel
example of black cancel
example of black cancel

Click on the image to see the entire aerogramme or cover.

My thanks to Khalid A. Al-Omaira for his help.

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